Johanne Pertwee Had A Farm...

So begins the farmhouse build.

I am basing it on the Townscape one.
It will be close enough for people to recognise it, but not a faithful reconstruction.

Balsa wood for the timber and foamed PVC for the shell/substructure. Superglue being my weapon of choice.

Fiddly bits.

Then rapid dry Polyfilla for the rendering.

It gets messy so I find I need to scrap it off and score the balsa where the filler has tried to make it look a bit more wooden again.

Some scrap plasticard for the roof substructure so I have something to rest the roof tiles on.

I think the Townscape farm has tiles but I am going a bit poorer what with it being Stirland and am doing wooden shingles again.

However the balsa I have is too thick for shingles as it is, so once cut into strips I then carefully slice them down their length to make them about half the thickness.

Then after quite a while and just under 400 tiles later...

Next up a few extra bits and bobs and then to prime it.


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